We Pride ourselves on our work, our ethic, and our professionalism. We promise for your project to be done with the upmost quality we do best. If we miss the mark anywhere, please let us know. We strive for perfection and nothing short of it. From all of us here, Thank you.
Steel Mats are our specialty. That’s why everyone trusts us to put them in all over town and beyond. Sometimes through all the communication the metal isn’t the right size or the concrete was poured wrong, or just the entire mat is wrong. But, from these pictures you wouldn’t even know all of these problems came up and through thick and thin were able to still custom put them in. Hard work and blood and sweat and tears. #10thandYamhillPDX
#construction #concrete #concretefloors #concretefloorsolutions #concretefloorstaining #worldofconcrete #epoxy#epoxyfloors #epoxysealer #smallbusiness #amallbusinessowner #pnwsmallbusiness #pnwsmallshop #carpet #carpetinstallation #epoxyresin #epoxyfloorsystem #concretefloorpolishing #sase #marshalltown #ardex #ardexamericas #walkoffmat #steelworker #metalfab #jackofalltrades
Literally a mirror on the floor. Thanks too @prosocoinc for helping us get this floor beyond words amazing! A thanks to @walshbuilds for working with us to get this project done! #willowcreekcrossing
#construction #concrete #concretefloors #concretefloorsolutions #concretefloorstaining #worldofconcrete #epoxy#epoxyfloors #epoxysealer #smallbusiness #amallbusinessowner #pnwsmallbusiness #pnwsmallshop #carpet #carpetinstallation #epoxyresin #epoxyfloorsystem #concretefloorpolishing #sase #marshalltown #ardex #ardexamericas #sasecompany
A nice Skim and Seal Floor. Perfect for corridors, traffic areas, and especially entryways that will have lots of water and mud!
#construction #concrete #concretefloors #concretefloorsolutions #concretefloorstaining #worldofconcrete #epoxy#epoxyfloors #epoxysealer #smallbusiness #amallbusinessowner #pnwsmallbusiness #pnwsmallshop #carpet #carpetinstallation #epoxyresin #epoxyfloorsystem #concretefloorpolishing #sase #marshalltown #ardex #ardexamericas
Great times at World of Concrete! Got too see some cool new things, improved materials, and learned new tricks. Can’t wait to get home and get back to work!
#concrete #epoxy #epoxyresin #concreteconstruction #concretefloors #concretefloorpolishing #concretefloorstaining #concretefloorstaining #newideas #smallbusiness #smallbusinessowner #pnw #pnwsmallbusiness
Some heavy prep on some concrete here for an Epoxy Lab Floor. Ground the Crowns out, poured our Epoxy self level, sealer coats, and voila done. We love using @basf_na MMA master top system. Outside prep for the floor, we can pour and seal and entire 5 step MMA system in a 1 car garage and you can park your car after dinner.
#basf #basfmasterbuılderssolutıon #concrete #concretegrinding #epoxyresin #epoxyflooring #epoxyfloors #epa #fastcure #hustle #smallbusiness #pnwsmallbusiness

Small but important ARDEX Self level pour. We love our portamix hippo mixers and our ARDEX rakes!
#selfleveling #ardex #ardexamericas #ardexacademy #geterdone #hustle #concrete #cement #concretepour #smallbusiness #smallbusinessowner #portland #portlandoregon #pnw #pnwsmallbusiness
A beginning, middle, and an end. Epoxy sealer on some polished concrete. In and out in only 4 days, another day for it all to cure out.
#epoxy #epoxyresin #polishedconcrete #polishedconcretefloors #hustle #portland #pdx #epoxysealer #customwork
@ardexamericas x
Sase Grinding Equipment x
Ardex K523 pour in a TI. Polished with Sase machines, finished with Prosoco materials. One of our best ones yet. Can’t wait for more. Working on some experiments to further build off this. Can’t wait too show what’s next. Stay tuned 😎
The most versatile product we keep in the truck besides duct tape. #prosoco
Some days the boss has to get his hands dirty.
Double trouble. #bros Third phase of our #ardex K-520 pour. Did the first 1/2in lift last Friday, MC rapid last night and our final 1/2in neat pour today. Tomorrow, we polish.
Stairway to heaven? Not quite heaven but the views from the top were spectacular over the last few days.

Putting on the finishing touches. 800 grit Mock-up for @walshbuilds Thanks @prosocoinc for helping us make it look it’s best.

2 part resinous marine epoxy. 1 primer coat, 1 full epoxy coat. This stuff will last forever
Unfortunately 480v is not the same as 220v 💥 October is now officially check your voltage month at JLC Floors. Anyone need a used inverter?
Who knew this was going to be the start of something great. Back in 2003 we cut our teeth on one of the hardest jobs we have ever completed. Turns out the concrete was around 9000psi and nothing seemed to work. We found a solution but it was slow going for many weeks. Some things you can’t learn in a 3 day seminar....#tbt
Chilliewhich Braided Vinyl and butter flush to Carpet Tiles. Turned out Great!! #OSU #gobeavs
Better them than me. Watching the first slab get poured for @luanavillasmaui . If anything goes wrong they can give us a call and I’m sure we can fit it into the schedule.
look at these 2 nerds. On their way home from the @domaineserene car show.
A cool 2 tone logo for Northbank Marine.